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Software for web traffic
analysis in newspapers

Software for real-time analysis of web traffic in newspapers that helps publishers understand their audience and build reader loyalty. Create great content to attract more visitors and give each reader a personalized experience for better results.

What is MAS?
The data solution to make smart decisions about your content and audiences

Discover the data analysis tool developed for digital newspapers. Our solution integrates push notifications and KPI tracking, optimizing your website´s performance while shaping a data-driven publishing strategy. Get smart insights about your audience and effortlessly build loyalty. Unlock the true potential hidden in your content data. By understanding both your content and your users, publishers can deliver personalized experiences that motivate readers, preventing them from leaving without committing themselves.

What can MAS do for your organization?

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Push notifications with real-time results

Automated sending of news articles, scheduled alerts and live tracking of reader engagement, ensuring real-time information for effective strategies.

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Connect with your readers

Identify temporary, recurring or loyal readers and segment your audience with a content analysis RFV score. Then, make informed decisions based on behavioral patterns.

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Follow-up reports

Follow custom data with MAS: track by sections, metadata or authors, differentiate visits from readings and evaluate the articles with an individualized scoring system.

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Intuitive interface

Key KPIs are accessible to publishing teams in a matter of hours for seamless integration, allowing for a quick start with the analytics tool.

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Data Protection

MAS complies with the GDPR. Hosted on EU servers, it guarantees the media´s full ownership of the data, without access by third parties.

Benefits of MAS

Real-time monitoring

Our web traffic analysis software for MAS newspapers provides real-time information on visits to each article. You will be able to know at a glance which articles, topics and authors get the best results.

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Unlimited push notifications

With MAS, you can send all the push notifications you want. However, we recommend evaluating which of your content is most relevant to follow a strategy appropriate to your audience.

RFV Score

This is one of the most relevant indicators in a digital strategy. It combines the variables of frequency, time and permanence and volume of news consumption to establish segments of readers based on their loyalty levels. Following this formula, MAS classifies them into transit users, sporadic readers, loyal readers and unconditional readers.

Easy to implement

We use an agile approach in all phases of implementation, integration and training. However, each project requires a tailored plan to meet each team's specific needs.

Training and support

You will have a specific training program to ensure that your team masters the use of the tool independently. In addition, we have 24/7 support to help you with any incident.

Main features


Push notifications with real-time results

Follow live results with push alerts
  • Automatic notifications of new articles: Our tool allows news publishers to automate push notifications to alert the public of selected articles being published.

  • Scheduling push notifications: MAS allows news publishers to schedule push notifications, ensuring timely delivery to effectively engage audiences.

  • Real-time monitoring of the impact of notifications: After sending a push notification, publishers can follow in real time the evolution of audience interaction and web traffic.

Connect with your readers

Conquer your audience by following their interests
  • Real-time monitoring of audience activity: Tracks audience activity on press websites, providing real-time insights and effectively monitoring their engagement.

  • Detection of temporary, recurring, and loyal readers: The RFV score included in MAS classifies readers into casual, recurring and faithful categories based on recurrence, frequency and volume metrics.

  • Identification of patterns of reader behavior: Our app helps publishers make better decisions by using reader behavior patterns on news websites to guide their decisions.

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Follow-up reports

Writers benefit from our data dashboards and follow-up reports
  • Identify the most relevant data: The news website analysis tool provides publishers with valuable data for making informed decisions.

  • Tracking by sections, metadata or authors: Our content analysis software makes it easy to track the website, allowing publishers to monitor sections, metadata, and authors for revealing analyses.

  • Key information for newsrooms: MAS provides key information for news publishers: the difference between visits and readings, providing data per page or article for a full analysis. This way they can evaluate what type of content is most suitable for the audience.

Intuitive interface

User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Simple to manage: Designed to be easy to use from day one; it simplifies data tracking with visual and intuitive dashboards.

  • Relevant KPIs: With the MAS content solution, all newsrooms can see the most important KPIs at a glance, allowing the publishing team to take control of the monitoring of the website.

  • Ready to use: Provides a quick and easy start-up, so you'll have your new web analytics tool up and running in just a few hours.


Data protection

Priority on the security of user data
  • User data privacy: Strictly complies with GDPR regulations, safeguarding user privacy and adhering to data protection laws.

  • Hosted on servers in the European Union: Mas guarantees hosting on servers in the European Union, which ensures that user data remains securely stored within the EU borders.

  • Possession of 100% of the data: Publishers retain full ownership of the data, ensuring exclusive access without third-party intervention.